Credit Reimbursements (AR)
Обзор / Overview of Credit Reimbursements
You can use credit reimbursements to reclassify credits in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system to open vouchers in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable system. For example, you can issue rebates and reimburse customers for overpayments. When you generate credit reimbursements, the system pays open credit memos and generates vouchers to reimburse the customer.
Credit reimbursements are generated based on the grouping of customer, company, and currency combination.
Note: In addition to the credit reimbursement process, you can use the AR/AP netting process to bilaterally reclassify transactions between Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. The difference between the two functionalities is that Credit Reimbursements is one-way, closing A/R transactions and creating A/P ones, where as AP/AR Netting is two-way. See Document 8500361.1 for more information on AR/AP Netting
Настройка / Setup
Before you can run Generate Reimbursements, make sure you have the following set up:
- AAI item NC for the suspense (clearing) account between the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable andAccounts Payable systems. (например, использовать AAI NC _.62.99)
- Ensure that a Supplier Master record exists for the customer in the Address Book.
- Ensure that NO is a valid document type in UDC 00/DV (vouchers) and UDC 00/DT (invoices).
- Next Numbers Set Up: The system assigns the document for the NO voucher from the Voucher Entry line of the next number table for system 04. Refer to Accounts Receivable online guide for instructions on assign separate next numbers.
Типичный сценарий / Process of generating reimbursements
- Обнаружить отрицательное сальдо по клиенту (как сумма положительных и отрицательных инвойсов).
- Утвердиться, что это CreditMemo. Если это не CreditMemo, а Unapplied Receipts, то конвертировать его в CreditMemo:
- Вручную (Releases Prior to 9.1)
- Create an invoice for a zero amount.
- In Customer Receipts Inquiry (P03B102), choose the unapplied receipt that you would like to reimburse.
- Using the Form menu, choose Select.
- On the Select Invoices screen, locate and choose the zero-amount invoice.
- Use 10 as the Type Input Code (data dictionary item UTIC).
- Specify the unapplied amount in the Payment Amount (data dictionary item TAAP) field.
- Click OK.
- Используя приложение Convert Unapplied Receipts to Credit Memos (R03B620), New in Release 9.1
- Enter an unapplied receipt.
- Post Unapplied Receipt. Note: This step is optional. Depending on if the RU is posted or not, the RU willremain in the Customer Ledger (F03B11) or will be removed.
- Run Convert Unapplied Receipts to Credit Memos (R03B620) in Final mode.
- View in Customer Ledger Inquiry (P03B2002), the credit memo has been created and the originalunapplied receipt is closed.
- If you post the unapplied receipt before applying it against the invoice or running the Convert Unapplied Receipts to CreditMemos (R03B620), the open amount is changed to zero (blank) and the receipt is closed. The open amount on the created invoice is changed from zero (blank) to the negative amount applied from the receipt.
- If the unapplied receipt is not posted, the system deletes the unapplied Receipts Detail (F03B14) and Customer Ledger(F03B11) records, and updates the invoice with the negative amount. The Generate Reimbursements (R03B610)
- Вручную (Releases Prior to 9.1)
- Запустить Generate Reimbursement (R03B610) в пробном режиме (proof mode) и оценить результат.
- Запустить Generate Reimbursement (R03B610) в финальном режиме (final mode) и оценить результат.
- Выполнить Разнесение в ГК пакета с поступлениями РД (batch type RB).
- Выполнить Разнесение в ГК пакета с ваучерами РК (batch type V).
- Создать оплату для ваучера NO, используя Manual Payments with Voucher Match (P0413M) или Automated Payment process (R04570, P04571, R04572.., R04576).
Финальные шаги / Final Steps
Сторнирование / Void Reimbursement Records
Проводки процесса
1. Ввод отрицательного инвойса - Credit Memo (RM) на сумму - 600 руб. (их них НДС 20% - 100 руб.)
Док | Счета | AAI | Кт | Дт | Пример счета РФ |
AE | AR Trade | RC[yyyy] | - | -600 | 62.01 |
RM | GL Distribution - Распределение суммы без налога (станд.) | Ручной | -500 | - | 90.01 |
RM | GL Distribution - Распределение суммы налога (РФ) | Ручной | -100 | - | 90.01 |
RM | GL Distribution - Учет суммы налога (РФ) | Ручной | - | -100 | 90.03 |
2. Возмещение отрицательного сальдо по клиенту. Запуск R03B610 (Credit Reimbursements).
2.1. (внутреннее) Погашение задолженности через создание поступления RC.
Док | Счета | AAI | Кт | Дт | Пример счета РФ |
AE | AR Trade | RC[yyyy] | -600 | - | 62.01 |
RС | Suspense (clearing) account | NC | - | -600 | 62.99* |
2.1. (внутреннее) Создание ваучера NO.
Док | Счета | AAI | Кт | Дт | Пример счета РФ |
AE | AP Trade | PC[yyyy] | - | -600 | 60.01 |
NO | Suspense (clearing) account | NC | -600 | - | 62.99* |
Выполнить разнесение пакетов RB и V.
3. Ввод Оплаты PN для ваучера NO.
Док | Счета | AAI | Кт | Дт | Пример счета РФ |
AE | AP Trade | PC[yyyy] | - | 600 | 60.01 |
PN | Bank/Cash Account | Ручной | 600 | - | 50, 51, 52 |
Выполнить разнесение пакета M.
PO R03B610 Credit Reimbursement
- 1. G/L Date
- Blank = Use system date
- 2. Invoice Date
- Blank = Use system date
- 3. A/P Trade Account G/L Offset
- Blank = Supplier Master G/L Offset
- 4. Supplier Address Number
- Blank = Customer Address Number
- 1 = Customer's payor
- 2 = Customer's parent
- 5. Voucher Due Date (Future)
- Blank = Default from supplier master payment term
- 6. Clearing Account G/L Offset (Future)
- Blank = Supplier Master G/L Offset
- 7. Voucher Document Type (Future)
- Blank = Use document type processing option of Voucher Entry (P0400047) version specified