Локализация (Россия)

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Что включают в себя особые настройки для РФ

Настройка или процесс Описание
UDCs (user-defined codes) Set up base-software UDCs with Russia-specific values, and set up Russia-specific UDCs for:
  • Legal document numbering
  • Tax processing
  • Payment processing
  • Correspondence of accounts
  • Financial reports
  • Fixed assets
  • Sales order processing
  • Cash transactions

See Setting Up UDCs to Number Legal Documents in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for European Reporting and SEPA Processing Implementation Guide.

See Setting Up UDCs for Russia.

See Setting Up Long Descriptions for Russia-Specific UDCs.

Next numbers
Выполнить настройку автонумерации перед выполнением операций с кассой/наличностью и работой с юридическими документами. / Set up next numbering before processing cash transactions and legal documents.

See Setting Up the System for Cash Desk Transactions in Russia.

See Setting Up Next Numbers for Legal Documents in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for European Reporting and SEPA Processing Implementation Guide.

AAIs (automatic accounting instructions) In addition to the standard AAI setup:
  • Set up AAIs to process Russian taxes.
See Setting Up AAIs for Russian Taxes.
  • Set up AAIs to process amount difference vouchers and invoices.
See Setting Up Amount Difference Accounting.
Клиенты и поставщики
Customers and suppliers
In addition to the standard setup for customers, in Russia, enter information about the VAT applicability.

See Entering Address Book Information for Russia.

Юридическая компания
In addition to the standard setup for companies, set up legal companies so that you can associate the companies that you use for transaction processing (transactional companies) with companies that you use for legal reporting (legal companies) so that legal reports can contain data for more than one transactional company.

See Setting Up Legal Companies for Russia.

Счета расхождений суммы
Amount difference accounting
Amount differences occur when sales or purchase transactions are contracted in a currency other than rubles, and a difference exists in the exchange rate between the purchase or sales date and the date on which the payment is made. You must set up general ledger accounts, bank accounts, AAIs, and document types to process vouchers and invoices to account for amount differences.

See Setting Up Amount Difference Accounting.

See Generating Amount Difference Vouchers in Russia.

See Generating Amount Difference Invoices for Russia.

To process invoices for Russia:
  • Set up document types for invoices.
See Setting Up UDCs for Legal Documents.
  • Set up legal numbering so that invoices that you print from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management systems contain information required for tax reporting.
See (CZE, HUN, POL, and RUS) Setting Up Legal Numbering for Legal Documents in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for European Reporting and SEPA Processing Implementation Guide.
  • Add additional information to invoices, add related invoices, print tax invoices, and set processing options for Add Invoice - PO (P7433B11) and Print Invoice - PO (R7430030).
See Working with Invoices for Russia.
  • Set up corresponding versions of the Add Invoice - PO (P7433B11) and Standard Invoice Entry (P03B11) programs.
  • Set up corresponding versions of Print Invoice/Invoice Correction - PO (P7420565) and Standard Invoice Print (R42565) programs.
  • Enter and generate amount difference invoices when a difference in the exchange rate exists between the date that you enter an invoice and the date that you pay the invoice.
See Generating Amount Difference Invoices for Russia.
In addition to the base software process for vouchers, to process vouchers for Russia:
  • Set up document types for vouchers.
See Setting Up UDCs to Number Legal Documents in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for European Reporting and SEPA Processing Implementation Guide.
  • Set up VAT constants.
See Setting Up VAT Constants for Russia.
  • Define methods of releasing suspended VAT.
See Defining Methods of Releasing Suspended VAT.
  • Work with vouchers that include VAT.
See Understanding Suspended VAT for Russia.
See Automatically Releasing Suspended VAT.
See Manually Releasing or Voiding Suspended VAT.
  • Enter and generate amount difference vouchers when there is a difference in the exchange rate on the date that you enter a voucher and the date that you pay the voucher.
See Generating Amount Difference Vouchers in Russia.
Отчеты ГК
General ledger reports
To use general ledger reports for Russia:
  • Set up general ledger report formats.
See Setting Up General Ledger Report Formats for Russia.
  • Generate balance sheets.
See Generating a Balance Sheet.
  • Generate profit and loss reports.
See Generating the Profit and Loss Report.
  • Generate cash flow statements.
See Generating a Cash Flow Statement.
  • Generate changes in equity reports.
See Generating the Changes in Equity Report.
Tax processing To process VAT taxes for Russia:
  • Set up UDCs.
See Setting Up UDCs for Tax Processing.
  • Set up AAIs.
See Setting Up AAIs for Russian Taxes.
  • Set up VAT constants.
See Setting Up VAT Constants for Russia.
  • Define methods of releasing suspended VAT.
See Defining Methods of Releasing Suspended VAT.
  • Set up the system to work with sales transactions with VAT.
See Setting Up the System to Work with VAT for Sales Transactions.
Корреспонденция счетов
Correspondence of accounts
Correspondence is the relationship between accounts used to process certain types of transactions. The system uses the information about the relationships that you establish when you run general ledger reports. To work with correspondence of accounts:
  • Set up correspondence accounts, rules, and methods for all accounts in your chart of accounts for which you must have corresponding accounts.
See Setting Up Correspondence of Accounts for Russia.
  • Generate, modify, post, and repost correspondence batches.
See Working with Correspondence of Accounts in Russia.
Управление наличностью
Cash management
To work with cash accounting:
  • Set up UDCs for cash transaction processing.
See Setting Up UDCs for Cash Transactions.
  • Set up the constant, next numbers, accounts, additional information, and processing options for cash transactions.
See Setting Up the System for Cash Desk Transactions in Russia.
  • Print these documents:
    • The Petty Cash Issue report for each transaction that decreases cash.
    • A cash receipt note for each transaction that increases cash.
  • A report that includes transactions for which you have printed a cash issue note or a cash receipt note.

See Generating Reports for Cash Transactions.

Обработка оплат
Payment processing
In addition to the base software setup and processes for payment processing:
  • Set up UDCs for payment processing for Russia.
See Setting Up UDCs for Payment Processing for Russia.
  • Add required additional information to payments.
See Adding Information to Payments.
  • Print payment orders for all domestic payments. You deliver copies of the payment orders to the bank that processes your payments.
See Printing Payment Orders for Russia.
  • Change the payment G/L date when the payment order is issued with a different payment date from the G/L date.
See Changing the Payment GL Date in Russia.
Основные средства
Fixed assets
To work with fixed assets for Russia:
  • Set up depreciation.
See Setting Up Depreciation for Russia.
  • Enter fixed asset information for Russia and change the revaluation code for assets.
See Creating a Revaluation Code.
See Entering Additional Information for Fixed Assets in Russia.
  • Generate these documents:
    • Fixed Asset Card
    Print this report for each asset. The report includes the initial cost, depreciation, maintenance, and location of the asset, as well as any changes to the cost, depreciation, and location.
    • Fixed Asset Transfer Note
    Print this report when you transfer a fixed asset to another location.
    See Using Fixed Asset and Inventory Reports for Russia.
Обработка заказов на продажу
Sales order processing
In addition to the base software setup and processes, for Russia:
  • Set up UDCs for sales order processing.
See Setting Up UDCs for Sales Order Processing in Russia.
  • Set up legal numbering for legal documents.
See (CZE, HUN, POL, and RUS) Setting Up Legal Numbering for Legal Documents in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Localizations for European Reporting and SEPA Processing Implementation Guide.
  • Set up your system to work with VAT for sales order transactions.
See Setting Up the System to Work with VAT for Sales Transactions.
  • Set up corresponding versions of Sales Order Entry (P4210) and Sales Order - PO (P7424210).
  • Set processing options for Invoice Print - PO (P7420565).
  • Set up corresponding version of Sales Order Entry (P4210) and Sales Order - PO (P7424210).
  • Set processing options for Sales Legal Document Inquiry by Legal Number (P7420002).
  • Search for sales order lines by legal document number or internal document number.
  • Print legal documents including shipment notes, stock delivery notes, goods dispatch note, stock movement note, and invoices.
See Working with Sales Order Management Processes for Russia.
See Inquiring on Sales Orders for Russia.
Управление запасами
Inventory management
In addition to the base software setup and processes, for Russia:
  • Set processing options for Set Up Item - Custom Declaration Number (P7464108).
  • Enter lot and customs information.
  • Generate stock balance report to confirm stock balances and transactions for a specified period.
  • Generate the Print Transfer Item Note Report when you transfer inventory between two business units within the same company.

See Entering Additional Lot Information for Russia.

See Using Fixed Asset and Inventory Reports for Russia.


  • Business unit descriptions
  • Account descriptions
  • Automatic accounting instruction (AAI) descriptions
  • UDC descriptions
  • Delinquency notice text

Настройка UDC

UDC для настройки юридических документов

  • Legal Document Type Group (74/DG) - Группа юридических документов
Код Описание
(Пусто) Not Applicable/Other
IN Invoice
CD Credit Note/ Debit Note
SN Shipment Note
ED Exchange Rate Difference
  • Discriminate Taxes (74/DL) - Где и как различать налоги (настройка групп юридических документов)
Код Описание
0 Do not discriminate
1 Discriminate by detail line
2 Discriminate by Tax Code
3 Total Taxes by Tax Code / Rate
4 Discr by Tax Code and Total
  • Number of Copies Source (74/NC) - Источник данных о кол-ве печатаемых копий юридических документов
Коды Описание
(Пусто) Billing information
L Legal Document Type
  • Legal Document Title Print (74/PT) - Название, печатаемое на юридических документах)
Код Описание
CI Correction invoice
TI Tax invoice
VI VAT invoice
  • Supplier Address Source (74/SC) - Источник адреса поставщика.
Код Описание
(Пусто) Legal Company
B Business unit
C Company
S Country-specific
  • VAT Condition (74/VC) - настройка в Legal Documents Types/Document Types Relationships program (P7400003).
Код Описание
Y Registered
N Not registered

UDC для налогов РФ

  • Average Cost Calculation (40/AV)
    Set up codes for the average cost calculator to control which program is used for procurement taxation processing. This UDC links the base software for the JD Edwards Enterprise One Procurement system to the Russian localization. You must add the following code to the UDC table (40/AV):
Код Описание Описание 2
P74RLCP Landed Cost Y
  • Sales VAT Accrual Method (74R/AM)
    JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. The system uses the values in this table when you set up sales order line and sales order line type combinations and specify whether the combinations use a concurrent or postponed method for accounting for the VAT on the transactions.
Код Описание
1 Sales recognition postponed
2 Sales recognition concurs w/sh (with shipment)
See Understanding Setup for VAT for Sales Transactions.
  • Unapplied Cash Tax Code (74R/UT)
    Generally, you must calculate VAT for unapplied cash. Set up codes in this UDC to apply VAT to unapplied cash.
    Enter the class of the unapplied cash in the Codes field. Enter the tax area and the tax explanation code for the unapplied documents in the Description 02 field. The system uses the value in the Description 02 field to calculate the tax on the unapplied cash.
    For example, you might set up the these unapplied cash classes for Russia
Код Описание Описание 2
UC Standard unapplied cash - 18 percent VAT should be calculated V VAT18
UC1 VAT not assigned E VAT0E

UDC для Cash Transactions РФ

  • Petty Cash Document Type (74R/CD)
    Set up this UDC to identify the types of documents that you use for petty cash transactions. You specify whether the code is for an inbound or outbound transaction by completing the Special Handling Code field. Enter I for inbound transactions. Enter O for outbound transactions. For example, you might set up these codes:
Код Описание Описание 2
KP Cash Receipt Note I
KW Cash Issue Note O

UDC для Payment Processing РФ

  • Amount Difference Document Type (74R/AD)
    The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. Additionally, you must add the code PD to this UDC table for returned goods for which payments have been received. You use these values when you set up amount difference accounting. Verify that these values exist in your system:
    • CI: Credit Invoice
    • CV: Credit Voucher
    • DI: Debit Invoice
    • DV: Debit Voucher
  • Budget Classification Code (74R/PB)
    Set up this UDC table to specify the budget code that appears on payment orders. The system uses the values from this UDC table when you run the Automatic Payment Order program (R74R4520) or run the Payment Order Reprint program (R74R4530) to print a payment order manually. For example, you might set up this value:
Код Описание
01 KBK
  • Payment Type (74R/PC)
    Set up the Payment Type UDC table to identify the type of payment included on a payment order. The system uses the values from this UDC when you run the Automatic Payment Order program (R74R4520) or run the Payment Order Reprint program (R74R4530) to print a payment order manually. For example, you might set up these values:
Код Описание
1 DGI (Direccion General Impositiva) Tax Payment
2 Federal Taxes Payment
  • Tax Period (74R/PP)
    Set up the Tax Period UDC table to identify the tax period for which you issue a payment order. The system uses the values from this UDC table when you run the Automatic Payment Order program (R74R4520) or run the Payment Order Reprint program (R74R4530) to print a payment order manually. For example, you might set up these values:
Код Описание
FY Fiscal Year
TP Tax Period
YY YY.08
  • Payment Reason (74R/PR)
    Set up the Payment Reason UDC table to identify the reason for the payment included on a payment order. The system uses the values from this UDC table when you run the Automatic Payment Order program (R74R4520) or run the Payment Order Reprint program (R74R4530) to print a payment order manually. For example, you might set up these values:
Код Описание
Y Payment of Current Year
D Deferred Debts Payment
R Restructured Debts
  • Payment Status (74R/PS)
    Set up the Payment Status UDC table to identify the type of payment included on a payment order. The system uses the values from this UDC table when you run the Automatic Payment Order program (R74R4520) or run the Payment Order Reprint program (R74R4530) to print a payment order manually. For example, you might set up these values:
Код Описание
TP Tax payment
TB Other payment
  • Unapplied Cash Tax Code (74R/UT)
    Generally, you must calculate VAT for unapplied cash. Set up codes in this UDC to apply VAT to unapplied cash.
    Enter the class of the unapplied cash in the Codes field. Enter the tax area and the tax explanation code for the unapplied documents in the Description 02 field. The system uses the value in the Description 02 field to calculate the tax on the unapplied cash.
    For example, you might set up the these unapplied cash classes for Russia
Код Описание Описание 2
UC Standard unapplied cash - 18 percent VAT should be calculated V VAT18
UC1 VAT not assigned E VAT0E

UDC для Correspondence of Accounts РФ

  • Amount Correspondences (74R/AG)
    The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values for this UDC. You use these values when you set up account correspondence in the Correspondence Account Setup (P74R9001) program. Verify that these values exist in your system:
Код Описание
Minus amount
+ Plus amount
  • Correspondence Batch Status (74R/CS)
    The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values for this UDC. You use these values when you change batch statuses in the Review Correspondence Batches program (P74R0011). Verify that these values exist in your system:
Код Описание
(blank) Generating Correspondence Pending
GE Correspondence Generated Successfully
PO Correspondence Posted
EG Error Generating Correspondence
  • Correspondence Methods (74R/MH)
    The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values for this UDC. You use these values when you associate batch types to correspondence methods in the Correspondence Account Setup program (P74R9001). Verify that these values exist in your system:
Код Описание
01 Direct between two concurrent lines.
02 Direct between debit and credit.
03 One debit, multiple credits.
04 Several debits, several credits.

  • Correspondence Print Options (74R/PO)
    The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system provides hard-coded values for this UDC. You use these values when you set up accounts in the Correspondence Account Setup (P74R9001) program. Verify that these values exist in your system:
Код Описание
(blank) (blank)
HI Hide
RV Red void
  • Correspondence Result Code (74R/RC)
    Use this UDC to set up values that the system displays in the Correspondence Batch Revision program (P74R0011) to specify the status of the correspondence record. For example, you might set up these values:
    • E: Error
    • G: Generated
    • I: Ignore
    • P: Posted
  • Correspondence Category Code 02 (74R/C2)
    The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides hard-coded values for this UDC. You use these values when you work with correspondence generation. Verify that these values exist in your system:
Код Описание
(blank) (blank)
M Manual

UDC для Financial Reports РФ

  • Account Type (74R/AT)
    The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values that the system uses when you set up general ledger report formats in the G/L Reports Setup program (P74R9020). The system uses the values in the 74R/AT UDC table to determine if the account is an object/subsidiary account, or if the account is set up in a category code.
    Verify that these values exist in your system:
Код Описание
21 Category Code - G/L 021
22 Category Code - G/L 022
23 Category Code - G/L 023
OS Object / Subsidiaryt
  • Code Type (74R/CT)
    The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values that the system uses when you set up general ledger report formats in the G/L Reports Setup program (P74R9020). The system uses these values to determine the type of row. Some row types determine the tables the system reads to obtain balances. Other row types specify whether the system calculates values or prints a title for the row.
    Verify that these values exist in your system:
Код Описание
AC2 Correspondence - Account
ACC Accounts Only
AGR Accounts Group
FRM Codes Formulate
TLT Title
  • Factor Row (74R/FA)
    The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values that the system uses when you set up general ledger report formats in the G/L Reports Setup program (P74R9020). The system uses the values in the 74R/FA UDC table to determine whether the system changes the sign of the amount from positive to negative, negative to positive, or leaves the original sign.
    Verify that these values exist in your system:
Код Описание
(blank) (blank)
−1 Change the amount sign
1 Do not change the sign amount
  • Formula Type (74R/FT)
    The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values that the system uses when you set up Changes in Equity report formats by using the G/L Reports Setup program (P74R9020). The system uses the values in the 74R/FT UDC table to determine the time period for which to report.
    Verify that these values exist in your system:
Код Описание
AA Audit Activity 13,14, Current
AA1 Audit Activity 13,14,Curr -01
AA2 Audit Activity 13,14,Curr- 02
AB Account Balance, Current Per
AB1 Account Balance, Curr - 01 Per
AB2 Account Balance, Curr - 02 Per
PA Period Activity, Current Per
PA1 Period Activity -Curr - 01 Per
PA2 Period Activity -Curr - 02 Per
PY Prior Year -end Bal, Current
  • Record Type (74R/RT)
    The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values that the system uses when you set up general ledger reports by using the G/L Reports Setup program (P74R9020). The system uses these values to determine what types of rows, accounts, and other criteria are applicable for the reports you create.
    Verify that these values exist in your system:
Код Описание
BS Balance Sheet
CE Changes in Equity
CF Cash Flow
PL Profit & Loss
  • Section Number (74R/SE)
    The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values that the system uses when you set up general ledger reports by using the G/L Reports Setup program (P74R9020). The system uses these values to determine the section in which to print the rows.
    Verify that these values exist in your system:
Код Описание
01 First section
02 Second section
03 Third section
04 Fourth section
05 Fifth section
  • Scale Factor (74R/SF)
    The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. The system uses the Scale Factor UDC table to determine how to print numerical values on general ledger reports. You specify in a processing option the scaling factor, if any, that you want the system to use.
    When you choose to scale numerical values, the system divides the numerical values on the report by the scaling amount that you specify. For example, suppose that the amount in an account is 23,929. If you choose to scale the amount by a factor of 1000, the system divides 23,929 by 1000, rounds to the nearest whole number, and prints 24 on the report.
    Verify that these values exist in your system:
Код Описание
1 Amounts without changes
1000 Amounts divided by 1000
1000000 Amounts divided by 1000000
  • Visible Row (74R/VI)
    The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Russian Localization system provides hard-coded values that the system uses when you set up general ledger report formats by using the G/L Reports Setup program (P74R9020). The system uses the values in the 74R/VI UDC table to determine whether the row you define is printed on the report. Generally, you specify that rows that contain formulas do not print on the report.
    Verify that these values exist in your system:
Код Описание
N Not visible
Y Visible

UDC для Sales Order Processing РФ

  • Signature Role (74R/RL)
    You specify in a processing option for legal documents the text that appears by the signature line on the document. You select one of the values that you set up in this UDC for the processing option. For example, you might set up a signature role for the person approving the document, an attorney, the head accountant, and so on.

UDC для Fixed Assets РФ

  • Documents for Change (74R/CH)
    Set up this UDC with values that reflect document types for actions that increase fixed assets costs. For example, you might set up values for reconstruction or modernization of the asset.
  • Documents for Maintenance (74R/MN)
    Set up values in this UDC to reflect actions that incur costs for maintenance of fixed assets. The system uses the values in this UDC when you produce the Fixed Asset Card report (R74R5120).

UDC для Legal Documents РФ

  • Document Types (00/DT)
    In addition to the hard-coded document types that are used throughout JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software, you can set up document types that are based on your specific business needs. You must set up code PD in this UDC for returned goods for which payments have been received. The system searches for the PD code when it processes amount difference vouchers.
    For example, you might set up these document types for Russia:
Код Описание
CB Petty Cash Book. This document type is used only for next numbers and should never be used to enter transactions.
CR Petty Cash Receipt. This document is used to track next numbers for Petty Cash receipts. Its use is optional, and you may use it for entering petty cash transactions.
CI Petty Cash Issue. This document is used to track next numbers for Petty Cash issues. Its use is optional, and you may use it for entering petty cash transactions.
PH Prepayment Voucher. This document may be used to distinguish between normal and prepayment vouchers.
PD Credit memo. Use for returned goods for which payments have been received.

UDC для Corrections РФ

  • Correction to Voucher Document Type (74R/CN)
    JD Edwards EnterpriseOne provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. However, you can set up your own values. The system uses these values to specify the document types for correction vouchers that must appear in the VAT purchase and VAT sales books reports. These values must exist in the Document Types (00/DT) UDC table. Values are:
Код Описание
DA Debit Note
PD Credit Note
PD Correction

Юридическая компания / юридические документы

Первичный документ и счет-фактура.

Настройка единой системы учета (вкл. нумерацию) юридических документов (первичных документов и счетов-фактуры), которые печатаются из систем JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable и JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management, содержащие информацию, необходимую для налоговой отчетности.

Настройка юр. документов
  • UDC
  • Ввод юридической компании (P7400010/P0010)
  • Типы юридических документов (P7400002)
  • Связь тип финансовых документов / тип юридических документов (P7400003)
  • Место выдачи документов / Issue Place (P7400004)
  • NN (next number) юридических документов (P7400001)
  • Шаблон для юридических документов (P7430021) - не используется в К5
  • Связь типа юридического документа с шаблоном (P7430023) - не используется в К5
  • Связь типа юридического документа с пакетным приложением (P7430024)
    Для локализации РФ используются следующие пакетные приложения:
    • R74R3030 Print Invoice - Russia - SOP/AR - 74R
    • R74R3031 Goods Dispatch Note - Russia - SOP - 74R
    • R74R3032 Stock Delivery Note - Russia - SOP - 74R
    • R74R3033 (Outbound) Stock Movement Note - Russia - SOP - 74R
    • R74R3034 Print Correction Invoice - Russia - SOP/AR - 74R
Места генерации юр. документов (локализация)
Таблицы, заполняемые при печати юридического документа
Таблица Описание 03 42 Комментарий
Данные о заголовке юридического документа
F7430010 Legal Document Header - COMM - 03B x x Заголовок юридического документа
F7420011 Sales Order / Legal Document Relationship - COMM - 42 x Связь ЗНП с юридическим документом
Данные в печатной форме
F7430030 Legal Document Header (Print Info) - COMM - 03B x x Заголовок (общая инфо) печатной формы
F7430031 Legal Document Address (Print Info) - COMM - 03B x x Адреса, используемые в печатной форме
F74R3031 Legal Document Address (Print Info) - RUS - 03B - 74R x x Адреса, используемые в печатной форме из лок. АК взамен F7430031
F7430032 Legal Document Detail (Print Info) - COMM - 03B x x Строки, используемые в печатной форме. Для 03 системы - pay item (+ шаблон строки), для 42 - F7420033.
F7430033 A/R Document Line (Print Info) - COMM - 03B x ? Зачем-то данные из РД.
F7420033 Sales Document Line (Print Info) - COMM - 42 x Связь строки ЗНП со строкой юридического документа для отображения инфо на печатной форме. F7430032
F7430034 Legal Document Attachment (Print Info) - COMM - 03B x x Какие-то сообщения.
F7430035 Taxes by Legal Document Line - COMM - 03B x x Налоги, используемые в печатной форме. Выделенные по F4008.
Данные о каком-то пакете (надо разобраться)
F7430050 Print Batch Header - COMM - 03B x x Какие-то пакет юр. документов LegDocTy
F7430051 Print Batch Detail - COMM - 03B x x Какие-то пакет юр. документов (LegDocTy > DocTy)

Связывание типов юридических документов с типами документов


F7430024 F5530024 Legal Documents Print UBEs & Versions - COMM - 55
F7430030 F553003B Item-Transport Notes Back Side
F7430030 F553003C Legal Document Address (Bank Info) - COMM - 55
F7430030 F5530030 Legal Document Header (Print Info) - COMM - 55
F7430031 F5530031 Legal Document Address (Print Info) - COMM - 55
F7430050 F5530050 Print Batch Header Tag + SUPALL (Suppress All Output) When checked, no PDF file is generated when the report runs. When the report is finished processing, Acrobat Reader does not start and no report output is sent to the printer. However, the report processes as usual, performing database updates, evaluating event rule logic, and logging. This is useful with a subsystem report.
F7420015 Invoices Related to Sales Order - COMM -
F7430015 Invoices Related to AR DN/CN - COMM - 03B
F74R3037 Adjustment Invoice Relationship in AR/SOP - RUS - 74R
F74R3038 Adjustment Invoice Header Info AR/SOP - RUS - 74R


Таблица 810 920 Название Спр-ник? K5? SY CP Процесс Приложение Комментарий
F702018 o Taxes by Sales Order Line - COMM - 42 70 70 Начисление НДС по продажам
F7400001 o o Legal Document Next Numbers - COMM - 00 o o 74 74 Работа с документами P7400001 Настройка NN для юр. документов
F7400002 o o Legal Document Types - COMM - 00 o o 74 74 Работа с документами P7400002 Настройка типов юр. документов
F7400003 o o Legal Document Types / Document Types Relationship - COMM-00 o o 74 74 Работа с документами P7400003 Настройка связи типов док-тов и типов бухгалтерских ПД
F7400004 o o Legal Document Issue Places - COMM - 00 o o 74 74 Работа с документами P7400004 Настройка места печати типов бухгалтерских ПД
F7400006 o o Processed Documents in Legal Applications - COMM - 00 74 74 P7400006 ??? Непонятно что за таблица
F7400007 o Business Unit / Doc Type Next Number - COMM - 00 o 74 74 P7400007 Настройка NN для связки БЕ/Тип документа
F740001 o SEPA Account Setup - COMM - 74 74 74 Не используется В России по SEPA не работают (вроде)
F7400010 o o Company Aditional Information - COMM - 00 o o 74 74 Настройка локализации P0010 Связь компании учета с юр. компанией по бухгалтерии
F740018 o Intrastat Revision Additional - CZE - 74 74 74 Не используется
F740018A o Tax Rate Area and Transaction Type Mapping 74Y 74Y Не используется
F740018D o Data extraction ESL - 74 74 74 Не используется
F740018O o Original Transaction Detail for Data Extraction 74 74 Не используется
F740018T o Tag File F0018 - EMEA - 74 74 74 Не используется
F740018W o Data extraction ESL - Workfile - 74 74 74 Не используется
F7400B1 o o Belgium VAT Worktable 74 4 Не используется
F7400C2 o o Obsolete - R7400C2 Worktable 74 4 Не используется
F7400C2A o o French VAT on A/R 74 4 Не используется
F7400C3 o o French VAT on A/P 74 4 Не используется
F74030 o o Bank ID - Italy 74 4 Не используется
F74030G o o Germany-Bank Transit Number Master - Addtl Informatio - 04 74D 74 Не используется
F74030H o o Dutch-Payments Bank Information 74 4 Не используется
F74030HA o o Dutch-Next Batch Number and Sequence Number 74 4 Не используется
F7403B11 o o Belgium - Work File Yearly Vat Declaration Data 74B 74 Не используется
F7404572 o o Detail Payment Instructions for German Payments 74 4 Не используется
F7404573 o o Detail Payment Instructions EXT. for German Payments 74 4 Не используется
F7404S1 o o Swiss SOG Payment Format Order Number 4 4 Не используется
F74091 o o Class/Register Setup - Italy 74 4 Не используется
F740911 o o Work File for G/L Report by Category Code Localization 9 9
F74092 o o IVA Balances History - Italy 74 4 Не используется
F74093 o o Worktable for Printing IVA Summary - Italy 74 4 Не используется
F740931 o o IVA Summary Report Header - Worktable- Italy 74 4 Не используется
F7409FOW o o ETAFI Interface - OneWorld ONLY - 09 74F 74 Не используется
F741001T o o Address Book Tag File - COMM - 01 o o 74 74 Работа с АК P74R1012 Локализация АК (P01012) (только Условия НДС, остальное в F74R101T)
F74101 o Additional Address Book & Vat Id Info via VIES - EU - 01 74 74 Не используется
F74101W o Additional Address Book & Vat Id Info Work File - EU - 01 74 74 Не используется
F741201 o Accumulated Depreciation Asset Column Setup - HUN - 74 74H 74H Не используется
F741202 o Work File Accumulated Asset Movement Dep - HUN - 74 74H 74H Не используется
F7420011 o o Sales Order / Legal Document Relationship - COMM - 42 o 74 74 Работа с документами
F7420015 o o Invoices Related to Sales Order - COMM - 42 74 74 Работа с документами
F7420018 o o Taxes by Sales Order Line - COMM - 42 74 74 Работа с документами
F7420033 o o Sales Document Line (Print Info) - COMM - 42 o 74 74 Работа с документами
F7420034 o o Price Adjustment (Print Info) - COMM - 42 74 74 Работа с документами
F7420035 o o Item Cross-Reference (Print Info) - COMM - 42 o 74 74 Работа с документами
F7430010 o o Legal Document Header - COMM - 03B o 74 74
F7430015 o o Invoices Related to AR DN/CN - COMM - 03B 74 74
F7430018 o o Taxes by A/R Invoice Line - COMM - 03B 74 74
F743002 o SEPA Mandate 74 74
F7430020 o History Amendment 74 74
F7430021 o o Print Templates Definition for Legal Documents - COMM - 03B o o 74 74 Работа с документами P7430021 Настройка шаблона печати
F7430022 o o Print Line Type Definition for Legal Documents - COMM - 03B o 74 74 Работа с документами P7430021 Настройка типов строк печати (вроде как только для индийской локализации)
F7430023 o o Legal Documents Types / Print Template Relationship-COMM-03B o o 74 74 Работа с документами P7430023 Настройка связи типа бухгалтерского докумета с шаблоном печати
F7430024 o o Legal Documents Print UBEs & Versions - COMM -03B o o 74 74 Работа с документами P7430024 Настройка связи типа бухгалтерского докумета Паектным приложением
F7430030 o o Legal Document Header (Print Info) - COMM - 03B 74 74
F7430031 o o Legal Document Address (Print Info) - COMM - 03B 74 74
F7430032 o o Legal Document Detail (Print Info) - COMM - 03B 74 74
F7430033 o o A/R Document Line (Print Info) - COMM - 03B 74 74
F7430034 o o Legal Document Attachment (Print Info) - COMM - 03B 74 74
F7430035 o o Taxes by Legal Document Line - COMM - 03B 74 74
F7430050 o o Print Batch Header - COMM - 03B 74 74
F7430051 o o Print Batch Detail - COMM - 03B 74 74
F74301 o o Bank Upload - Italy 74 4
F743011 o Signed Invoices - COMM - 74 74 74
F743011Z o Signed Batch Invoice - Tag Table -74 74 74
F743012 o Unsigned Invoices - COMM - 74 74 74
F743013 o Signed Invoices - COMM - 74 74 74
F743013Z o Signed Batch Invoice - Tag Table -74 74 74
F743025 o Print Template Definition Tag File - COMM - 03B 74 74
F743035 o Display Taxes by Legal Document Line - COMM - 03B 74 74
F743B14I o o Suspended IVA Generation - Receipt/Rebate Control-Ita - 03B 74Y 74
F744008 o o Tax areas - Tag Table EMEA - Spain / Italy 0 4
F74401 o o W/T Additional A/B Information - Italy 89 4
F74405 o o Withholding Tax Codes-Italy 74Y 74Y
F744101 o o Intrastat Supplier/Item Cross Reference Table 74 0
F744102 o o Intrastat Commodity Code Additional Information 74 0
F744102T o Commodity Code Additional Inf Tag File - CZE - 74 74 74
F74411 o o Withholding Tax Detail - Italy 74 4
F74412 o o Customer / Supplier Balance Worktable (A/P and A/R) 74 74
F74413 o o VAT Ceiling Limit-Italy 74 4
F7460 o o Next Auto Debit Number 89 03B
F7464108 o o Lot Additional Information - COMM - 41 74 74
F74900 o o Foreign Receivables and Payables - EMEA 74 4
F74902T o Account Balance Tag File - COM - 09 - 74P 74P 74
F749101 o Report Definition - EMEA - 74 74 74
F749102 o Section Definition - EMEA - 74 74 74
F749103 o Section Column Definition - EMEA - 74 74 74
F749104 o Rows Definition - EMEA - 74 74 74
F749105 o Cells Definition - EMEA - 74 74 74
F749110 o Account Group Definition - EMEA - 74 74 74
F749111 o Account Group Detail- EMEA - 74 74 74
F74R0001 о о Currency Codes to Words - 74R о 74R 74 Работа с документами P74R0001
F74R0005 о о User Defined Codes - RUS - 00 - 74R о 74R 74 Работа с UDC P74R0005
F74R0007 о о Legal Document Footer Signature Setup - RUS - 00 - 74R о 74R 74 Работа с документами P74R0007
F74R0010 о Petty Cash Next Number Setup - RUS - 00 о о 74R 74R Работа с кассовыми операциями P74R0002 Для KP, KW. В 920 не используется. Заменен на F74R012.
F74R0011 о о Batch Tag File - RUS - 09 - 74R о 74R 74 Работа с пакетами P74R0011 Рус. расширение F0011 о статусах корреспондирующих проводок в пакете
F74R0018 о о Russian Tax File - 74R о 74R 74 Работа с налогами
F74R010 о Constant for VAT - RUS - 00 о 74R 74R Работа с налогами P74R0010 Константы для налогов
F74R0100 о о Petty Cash Transactions - RUS - 00 - 74R о 74R 74 Прием/выдача наличных P74R0101
F74R012 о Cash Documents Next Number Setup - RUS - 00 о 74R 74R Прием/выдача наличных P74R0012 Ранее F74R0010
F74R013 о Cash Account Setup - RUS - 00 о 74R 74R Прием/выдача наличных P74R0013
F74R01T о Petty Cash Transactions Tag File - RUS - 00 74R 74R Прием/выдача наличных
F74R020 о PettyCash Constants - RUS - 00 о 74R 74R Прием/выдача наличных P74R0020
F74R0401 о Adjustment to Voucher - RUS - 04 - 74R 74R 74R
F74R0402 о Correction to Voucher - RUS - 04 - 74R 74R 74R
F74R0480 о о Pay Item Differences - RUS - 04 - 74R 74R 74
F74R101T о о Address Book Tag File - RUS - 01 - 74R 74R 74 Работа с АК P74R1012 Локализация АК (P01012) (все кроме Условие НДС, остальное в F741001T)
F74R201 о VAT Accrual on Sales Method Setup - RUS - 42 о 74R 74R Работа с налогами P74R2001 Учет продажи товаров с участием комиссионера в расчетах
F74R202 о Transit VAT Account Setup - RUS - 42 о 74R 74R Работа с налогами P74R2002 Учет продажи товаров с участием комиссионера в расчетах
F74R3031 о о Legal Document Address (Print Info) - RUS - 03B - 74R о 74R 74 Работа с документами AN)
F74R3032 о Currency Code (Print Info) - RUS - 03B 74R 74R Работа с документами ?При печати первичных документов R74R3030 - R74R3034
F74R3033 о Line additional info (Print Info) - RUS - 03B 74R 74R Работа с документами ?При печати первичных документов R74R3030 - R74R3034
F74R3034 о Unit of Measure Relationship - RUS - 74R о 74R 74R Работа с документами P74R3034 Коды ОКЕИ
F74R3035 о Currency Code Relationship - RUS - 74R о 74R 74R Работа с документами P74R3035 Коды ОКЕИ
F74R3036 о Country of Origin Relationship - RUS - 74R о 74R 74R Работа с документами P74R3036 Коды ОКЕИ
F74R3037 о Adjustment Invoice Relationship in AR/SOP - RUS - 74R 74R 74R Работа с документами P74R4201 Исправления в с/ф и кс/ф (не путать с Корректировочными с/ф)
F74R3038 о Adjustment Invoice Header Info AR/SOP - RUS - 74R 74R 74R Работа с документами P74R4201 Исправления в с/ф и кс/ф (не путать с Корректировочными с/ф)
F74R310 о о Prepayment Header Tax File - RUS - 03B 74R 74R Работа с налогами ???Проверить почему нет таблицы в PD. Учет налогов по предоплате
F74R311 о о Prepayment Detail Tax File - RUS - 03B 74R 74R Работа с налогами ???Проверить почему нет таблицы в PD. Учет налогов по предоплате
F74R3B14 о о F03B14 Tag File - RUS - 03B - 74R 74R 74 0 записей
F74R400 о Account Payable Setup for VAT Release - RUS - 00 о 74R 74R Работа с налогами P74R4000 "Учет задержанных налогов по РК ( Варианты: Учет товаров по договору поставки с переходом собственности в момент оплаты. Бухгалтерские проводки. Учет товаров по договору поставки с переходом собственности в момент отгрузки. Бухгалтерские проводки)"
F74R4014 о о F0414 Tag File - RUS - 04 - 74R 74R 74 0 записей
F74R410 о о Tax on Hold - RUS - 04 74R 74R Работа с налогами "Учет задержанных налогов по РК ( Варианты: Учет товаров по договору поставки с переходом собственности в момент оплаты. Бухгалтерские проводки. Учет товаров по договору поставки с переходом собственности в момент отгрузки. Бухгалтерские проводки)"
F74R420 о о Tax Releases - RUS - 04 74R 74R Работа с налогами "Учет задержанных налогов по РК ( Варианты: Учет товаров по договору поставки с переходом собственности в момент оплаты. Бухгалтерские проводки. Учет товаров по договору поставки с переходом собственности в момент отгрузки. Бухгалтерские проводки)"
F74R4500 о о Paymet Order Supplemental Data - RU - 04 - 74R 74R 74
F74R5010 о о Revaluation Code By Class - RUS - 12 - 74R 74R 74 Не используется Основные средства
F74R5110 о о F1201 Tag File - RUS - 12 - 74R 74R 74 Не используется Основные средства
F74R9001 о о Correspondence Account Setup - RUS -09 - 74R о 74R 74 Работа с ГК (корреспонденция) P74R9001 ?Настройки "корреспонденции"
F74R9002 о о Correspondence Balance - RUS- 09 - 74R 74R 74 Работа с ГК (корреспонденция) ?Счета "корреспондированные" после разнесения/переразнесения R74R9002/R74R9003
F74R9003 о о Correspondence Method - RUS -09 - 74R о 74R 74 Работа с ГК (корреспонденция) P74R9001 ?Настройка методов "корреспондирования"
F74R9004 о о Correspondence Rules - RUS -09 - 74R о 74R 74 Работа с ГК (корреспонденция) P74R9001 ?Настройка правил "корреспондирования"
F74R9010 о о Profit & Loss - RUS - 09 - 74R 74R 74 Отчетность ГК - Локализация Отчет о прибылях и убытках (форма №2) R74R9010
F74R9011 о о Correspondence Rules - RUS -09 - 74R 74R 74 Работа с ГК (корреспонденция) P74R9011 ? Результат применения "корреспондирования"
F74R9020 о о Setup G/L Reports - RUS - 09 - 74R о 74R 74 Отчетность ГК - Локализация P74R9020 Настройка отчетности ГК - настройка формата отчетов
F74R9021 о о Report Detail Row Definition - RUS - 09 - 74R о 74R 74 Отчетность ГК - Локализация P74R9020 Настройка отчетности ГК - настройка строк в отчетности
F74R9022 о о Accounts Group Definition - RUS - 09 - 74R о 74R 74 Отчетность ГК - Локализация P74R9020 Настройка отчетности ГК - настройка диапазона счетов в отчетности
F74R9023 о о Report Column Description - RUS - 09 - 74R о 74R 74 Отчетность ГК - Локализация P74R9020 Настройка отчетности ГК - настройка столбцов в отчете R74R9040
F74R9029 о о Open Accounts - RUS - 09 - 74R 74R 74 Отчетность ГК - Локализация ???
F74R9030 о о Balance Sheet - RUS - 09 - 74R 74R 74 Отчетность ГК - Локализация ?Отчет бухгалтерский баланс (форма N 1) R74R9040
F74R9040 о о Changes in Equity - RUS - 09 - 74R 74R 74 Отчетность ГК - Локализация Отчет об изменениях капитала (форма N 3) R74R9040
F74R9050 о о Cash Flow - RUS - 09 - 74R 74R 74 Отчетность ГК - Локализация Отчета о движении денежных средств (форма N 4) R74R9050
F74RUI31 о о VAT Sales Book Workfile - RUS - 03B 74R 74R Кэш-таблицы Книга продаж
F74RUI41 о о VAT Purchase Book Workfile - RUS - 04 74R 74R Кэш-таблицы Книга покупок
F74RUI42 о о VAT Purchase Book Workfile II - RUS - 04 74R 74R Кэш-таблицы Книга покупок

Еще какие-то приложения

Object Name Member Description
P70XMLZ1 XML Transaction Review
P700000 Functionalities By Country - COMM - 70
P700018 Generic VAT - Informed Taxes by Report - COMM - 70
P7000200 Localizations Additional Fields
P700050 Bank Connection for Legal Documents - COMM - 00
P7001 Regional Information Dialog Box - 00
P7001CN Regional Information - China - 04
P700100 Suspended VAT Setup by Country - COMM -70
P700101A Localizations Additional Fields AB - 01
P7002 PO Matching Dialog Box - 00
P7003 Check User Profile Settings - 00
P7003B11 Localizations Additional Fields AR Invoices Header
P700401 Vouchers Related To DN/CN - COMM - 70
P700411 Localizations Additional Fields Accounts Payable Ledger - 04
P700901A Localizations Additional Fields Account Master - 09
P700911 General Ledger Invoice Number
P701201A Localizations Additional Fields Asset Master - 12
P703B1Z1 Sales EDI Invoice Number
P703B102 A/R Receipts Invoice Number
P703B11 Sales Invoice Number
P704008A Localizations Additional Fields Tax Area
P704012 Split VAT Setup for Supplier - COMM - 70
P704101 Item Master Add Info - 70
P704101A Localizations Additional Fields Item Master - 01
P704102 Item Master branch Plant Add Info - 70
P70413M A/P Payments Invoice Number
P704201 Localizations Additional Fields Sales Order Header
P704220 Purchase Invoice Number