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Multicurrency Conversion Constant (Y, N, Z)

Чтобы активировать мультивалютную обработку EnterpriseOne,необходимо в Константах ГК установить константу в поле Мультивалютное преобразование, как показано ниже, в зависимости от метода преобразования по умолчанию, который вы хотите использовать для преобразования сумм из одной валюты в другую:

  • 'Y' Multiplier method
Use the multiplier rate to convert amounts from one currency to another.
The system multiplies the foreign amount by the exchange rate to calculate the domestic amount.
  • 'Z' Divisor method
Use the divisor rate to convert amounts from one currency to another.
The system divides the foreign amount by the exchange rate to calculate the domestic amount.

Настройка кодов валюты

The system stores currency code information in the Currency Codes table (F0013).

Currency Code

Define a three-character currency code for each currency used.

Display Decimals
  • Enter a value that designates the number of decimals to be used in currency amount fields.
  • For example, the number of decimals is 2 for USD Dollars, zero for Japanese Yen, and 3 for Cameroon Francs.
  • The default value for the number of decimals in the data dictionary is 2.
NOTE: After you specify the number of decimal positions for a currency in the Display Decimals field, do not change it. If you change it, transactions that are already processed are adversely affected. As a workaround, you may consider to set up a New Currency code with required decimals and follow the process for base currency conversion. However, base currency conversion is an enormous amount of work and a project that requires a lot of planning, testing and resources. EnterpriseOne only supports the change for data items belonging to the QTYINV class and data item QNTY. For additional information, review Document 626475.1 Display Decimals Update.

После настройки Кодов валют для каждой валюты, в которой будут вестись расчеты, необходимо указать их для:

  • Компании.
  • Монетарных счетов.
  • Поставщиков и покупателей.
  • Типов бухгалтерских книг.

Настройка компании

You use the Work with Companies program P0010 to set up your companies for multicurrency for following:

  • Assign the base currency for each company.
  • Decide whether to use currency restatement and, if so, which method.
  • Decide whether to maintain account balances by currency.

The system stores company currency information in the Company Constants table (F0010). You must set up the following multicurrency information for each company in your organization under the Currency tab:

Domestic Currency

Assign a domestic currency code to specify the base currency of a company. The system maintains amounts in the AA ledger in the domestic currency, using the correct decimal positions as specified for the currency code. After you assign a currency code to a company and enter transactions, do not change the currency code. Changing the currency code affects the integrity of the data.

Пересчет/Restatement Computation

Identify the computation method to use for balance currency restatement. You can assign the same ID to multiple companies. To override the computation ID assigned to a company, you can specify a different ID in processing option for the Balance Restatement program (R11414A). For more information on how to process Balance Restatement (R11414A), refer to Document 664911.1.

Detailed Currency Restatement

Enter a value that identifies whether a company allows detailed currency restatement processing:

  • Blank
    Do not allow detailed currency restatement processing.
  • 1
    Allow detailed currency restatement processing.
    The system automatically determines whether to use the Y (multiplier) or Z (divisor) method.
    The method is the opposite of the multicurrency conversion method set up in General Accounting Constants.
  • Y
    Allow detailed currency restatement processing.
    Enter 'Y' (multiplier) if the multicurrency conversion method in General Accounting Constants is 'Z' (divisor).
  • Z
    Allow detailed currency restatement processing.
    Enter 'Z' (divisor) if the multicurrency conversion method in General Accounting Constants is 'Y' (multiplier).
Note: Values '1', 'Y', and 'Z' all allow detailed currency restatement processing. The primary difference is that by choosing 1, you let the system determine the conversion method value and by choosing Y or Z, you specify the method explicitly. For more information on how to process Detailed Currency Restatement (R11411), refer to Document 664750.1.
Post Account Balances by Currency
  • Check this option to post records to Foreign Currency ledger (CA) by currency in the Account Balances table (F0902).
  • The system uses the account ranges specified in AAI item PBCxx to post account balances by currency.
    • The Confirmation - AAI Setup form appears if you have not set up the required account ranges for AAI item PBCxx for the company or for default company 00000. If this form appears, click Yes to display the Set Up Multiple AAI Items form and add the ranges for PBCxx. Then click OK to return to the Company Setup form.
    • If you click No and do not set up the required AAI item ranges, be aware that the general ledger post program posts journal entries for the company as summarized balances with mixed currencies instead of detailed balances by currency. The post program sends a warning to the work center that the balances were not posted by currency because AAI item PBC was not found.
  • If you do not select this option, the system summarizes all currency amounts in one total amount.
  • For more information, see Document 664783.1 Overview of Post Balance by Currency.

Особенности и функциональность мультивалютности

Multicurrency Features and Functionality Description
Exchange rates
You set up and control the exchange rates for various currencies. When you enter a transaction, the system retrieves the exchange rate or, if necessary, you can override the rate.
Exchange rate methods
You set up the exchange rate method for each currency relationship.

All programs that calculate and use exchange rates use the multiplier or divisor method (also called inverse method) or the no inverse method of exchange rate calculation. Additionally, all programs can calculate an exchange rate through a third currency using the triangulation method.

Transaction entry
When you enter a transaction, the system compares the currency of the transaction with the currency of the company. If the transaction currency is different from the company currency, it is considered a foreign transaction. The system converts foreign amounts to domestic amounts based on the currency of the transaction and the company with which the transaction is associated.

Enter invoices, vouchers, and other transactions in the original (or transaction) currency in which you receive or send them, regardless of whether the currency is a domestic or foreign currency. For receipts and payments, you can use an alternate currency as well.

Alternate currency processing
With alternate currency processing, you can receive payment in any currency and apply the receipt without having to void the original invoice and create a new invoice in the payment currency. The same applies to payments that you issue.
As if currency
You can view transaction amounts as if they were stored in a currency other than the currency in which they were actually entered. Regardless of whether the original transaction was entered in a foreign or domestic currency, this currency processing enables you to review transaction amounts in an alternate currency.
Gains and losses

Прибыли и убытки
(от курсовых разниц)

При создании или получении валютной оплаты, система использует текущий обменный курс для получения прибыли или убытка. Это создает прибыль или убыток, если обменный курс изменился между моментом ввода инвойса или ваучера и моментом совершения или получения платежа.

Currency revaluation

Переоценка валютных остатков

Use the currency gains and losses reports to revalue open transactions at the end of a period. You can also revalue monetary (currency-specific) accounts using a program that creates journal entries for unrealized gains and losses.
Currency restatement
Before you run financial reports at the end of a period, you can:
  • Restate account balances for companies with different base currencies into one currency for consolidated reporting in one currency
  • Restate amounts at the transaction level
  • Restate foreign transactions at a new exchange rate for analyzing budgets and job costing
Consolidated reporting
Consolidated reporting enables you to:
  • Automatically calculate translation adjustments when restating foreign subsidiaries into the currency of the parent company.
  • Select the exchange rate from the average period, period end, period beginning, historical, or budgeted exchange rate. This choice gives you maximum flexibility for currency restatement.
  • Simplify compliance with directives such as Statement of Financial Accounting Standard (SFAS) 52 and International Accounting Standards (IAS) 20 by maintaining entries that are based on both local accounting practices and the accepted accounting practices of the parent company.
Highly inflationary economies
You can maintain dual sets of books in highly inflationary economies—one in the local currency and one in a stable currency.

Flexible reporting capabilities Reports and inquiries provide information to help you analyze balances for many different currencies. For example, you can analyze currency exposure and detailed bank account activity by the originating currency.

Account balances by currency
You can control which account balances to store by currency. You specify the accounts by company and ranges of account numbers.
As if reposting
As if reposting eliminates rate fluctuations for budgetary analysis by restating foreign transactions as if they had been entered using the exchange rate from the same date.
Bank statement processing
Some countries have banking practices that rely heavily on magnetic media processing, electronic fund transfers, and direct bank involvement in the settlement of outstanding debts. For these countries, the bank statement serves as a source document for all banking activity. To enter and reconcile the transactions that appear on bank statements, you use bank statement processing.
